Thursday, November 28, 2013

Post no-2: Evolution of Biological Memory.

The life of the universe started with an extremely condensed form of entity undergoing rapid expansion of space with all of its elements. In the course of its expansion, forces of its energy content were directed to all possible dimensions from each point of the expanding universe and the number of dimension increased infinitely along with the expanding periphery. As a result of their interaction, different forms of compound energy evolved with specific characteristics depending on the nature and direction of each participating component. Because each of the energy form was interacting in a rapidly expanding space, several forms of energy converged around a point in a spiral manner, which is still continuous at the present state of the expanding universe.

Spiral nature of galaxies. 

However, those points where different forms of compound energy converged, condensed and became confined within space appeared as particulate entities with definite properties depending on the nature of the interacting components. Several forms of particles then became strongly associated with each other to form atoms with different properties depending on the number and nature of interacting particles. Atoms with different properties continue random collision between them in expending dynamic space. As a result of such collision and interaction between same or different atoms, complex forms of molecules are generated depending on the surrounding nature of environment like temperature, pressure, electric charge, mass, gravitational force etc. Finally, accumulation of molecules together appeared as more complex substantial entities in the universe.

Among the three types of substances, appearance of liquid substances (particularly water) in space was most important in the evolutionary point of view. Liquid substances were able to retain the integrity in space in a defined condition where each of the elements (both energy and matter) could interact freely between them within a confined space. However, random interactions within a liquid substance have no significance but a series of reactions with a definite order can represent specific event. When the same series of reaction occurs again and again, the same event repeats within the system. When a series of chemical reactions establish a cyclic order, the representative event becomes permanent within the system. This was the starting point where memory of an event evolved for the first time in the universe within a liquid matrix. Such memories were essential to generate biological system and its evolution into more complex forms of organisms.

[Cyclic events are essential to generate and maintain functional systems in the universe at minute to larger scales. Cyclic movement of electrons around nucleus generates the atomic system. Cyclic reaction pathways in cells are essential to operate living systems. CO2, O2, N2 and H2O cycles keep the environment suitable for living creatures. Circular orbits of planets create the solar system whereas spiral movements of stars construct galactic systems]

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Post No 1: Intellectual evolution.

Perhaps, the most mysterious phenomenon in the universe, so far discovered, is the function of human brain. It performs some extraordinary functions that made us the best of the creation. But most of the basic mechanisms of its function are still undiscovered. This is so as experiment with intact living brain is difficult. But we can explain how the brain works by applying our known brain composition and its function at cellular, molecular and ionic level. It is a highly organized biological network that conducts nerve impulses. Probably, it has no other basic function. But how transmission of nerve impulses, allow us to do all of our brain, mind and soul (if exists) activities like learning, memory storage and recall, imagination, decision-making, feelings and perception? How a living substantial body acquires and exhibits some abstract properties which disappear on death, is really amazing. No other substance in the universe has such properties.

Substances have acquired abstract properties through cellular evolution and some noble abstract characteristics appeared in human through the evolution of abstract components in the abstract world (represented by living creatures) along with the organism evolution in the physical world. Evolution in the abstract world continues in human brain with extraordinary functions. The basic prerequisite for an evolution towards excellence is to conserve the acquisition of the past achievements which is efficiently performed by human brain that not only stores past events and experiences but also recalls, analyzes, manipulates and delivers a response as required after sensing the state of the surrounding environment. Therefore, memory conservation in human brain is the most significant achievement in the course of the evolution of the universe. Now, let’s see how the biological memory evolved through the evolution.